National Open Air Museum, based at Palackého 147, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, is a public sector organisation established by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Contact address of the personal data administrator
Národní muzeum v přírodě
Palackého 147, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (IČO): 00098604
Telephone: +420 571 757 111
Data box ID: 8xzf4vx


The National Open Air Museum performs the role of a museum institution in accordance with the provisions of Section 2, para. 3 of Act 122/2000 Sb. on the protection of collections of a museum character and on the amendment of certain other acts, as amended. It was established for the purpose of acquiring, collecting, permanently preserving, recording, expertly processing and making accessible to the public collections of a museum nature, of performing basic research, applied research and experimental development relating to collections of a museum nature, collection items and the environment from which collection items are acquired, and of disseminating the results of research and development by means of teaching, publication, museum exhibitions and museum programmes, methodology and technology transfer.

The National Open Air Museum processes personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and with the related legislation of the Czech Republic Act 101/2000 Sb.


The purposes for which your personal data is processed:

During the performance of its activities, the National Open Air Museum, which is the personal data administrator, processes data primarily for the following purposes:

•      keeping records of addresses for the sending of invitations to cultural events, openings and exhibitions and for the sending of information and news,

•      keeping records of collection items, etc.,

•      the assurance of contractual relations,

•      the keeping of accounts and staff administration,

•      the protection of property and collections and the safety of people (monitoring camera systems),

•      the organisation of cultural and educational events.


The categories of personal data processed by the National Open Air Museum:

•      identification and address data: academic title, forename, surname, date of birth, data on identity documents, permanent address or residence, delivery or other contact address, nationality, place of business, registration number, tax registration number, identity number or identity card number, if this data is required by legal regulations or for the performance of the obligations of the administrator of a contract,

•      electronic contact data: telephone number, e-mail address, data box ID,

•      personal data associated with a contractual relationship: bank account number,

•      other personal data: data provided by the data subjects in a contract/supplement to a contract or in other documents or during other dealings, this including later updating.

Information on the processing of your personal data:

1.    The legal basis for personal data processing is, according to Article 6, para. 1, point a) of the General Data Processing Regulation, consent conferred in accordance with Article 6, para. 1, point b) of the General Data Processing Regulation, i.e. processing is essential to the performance of a contract, and according to Article 6, para. 1, point e) of the GDPR, i.e. a task performed in the public interest.

2.    Personal data is not transferred to other persons, unless the obligation of its transferal to bodies, authorities or institutions is imposed on the government-funded organisation by a special legal regulation.

3.    During personal data processing at the National Open Air Museum no automated processing is performed on the basis of which actions or decisions would be taken which would infringe on the rights or justified interests of citizens.

4.    Personal data is processed only for the period of time essential, which differs for individual purposes of processing. Following the expiry of this period, personal data is destroyed or continues to be retained for the period stipulated by the valid Filing and Shredding Plan issued in accordance with Act No. 499/2004 Sb. on archiving and records management.

5.    Camera system recordings

Admissions to the individual sites of the National Open Air Museum, exhibitions, exhibition areas and selected premises in buildings at the National Open Air Museum are monitored by a camera system for the purposes of protecting property and collections and ensuring the safety of people.

6.    Entries to sites at which premises are monitored by a camera system are clearly marked by a sign with a pictogram of a camera and a description. Information about the camera system is available at the gatehouse of the museum. By entering the National Open Air Museum, visitors take note of the fact that their movements may be monitored.

7.    The online presentation of the National Open Air Museum uses the service Google Analytics provided by the company Google, Inc. The Google Analytics service uses cookie files. Cookies enable the web to record information about your visit. The National Open Air Museum uses this monitoring to record access statistics. This information is not passed on to any third party.

Your rights according to the GDPR:

You have the right:

•      to revoke (take back) your agreement to the gathering and processing of your personal data; revoking your agreement does not affect the legality of processing based on agreement conferred before its revocation. Revoking your agreement also has no effect on the processing of personal data that the local authority (administrator) processes on a legal basis other than your agreement (i.e. first and foremost if processing is essential to the fulfilment of a contract or legal obligation or for other reasons given in the valid legal regulations and the GDPR),

•      to request the erasure of your personal data (the right “to be forgotten”), unless this is precluded by the law or by a justified reason for processing,

•      to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data should this data be inaccurate, should its processing be unjustified, or should your personal data not be necessary to the purposes of processing,

•      to request information about what personal data about you is being processed,

•      to request explanation regarding the processing of your personal data,

•      to raise an objection to the processing of your personal data,

•      to the correction of your personal data (should you believe that your personal data processed by the administrator is inaccurate or incomplete),

•      to request access to your personal data and to have this data updated or corrected,

•      to the transferability of your personal data to another administrator,

•      to be informed of any violation of the security of your personal data in certain cases,

•      to submit a complaint to the supervisory body (The Office for Personal Data Protection).

You can exercise your rights and requests regarding the processing of your personal data in a written communication delivered or sent to the personal data administrator using the contact details given above. Your requests will always be properly adjudged and settled in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the GDPR. Should you not agree with the settlement of your demands and requests, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection.