What´s on


Shrovetide (Saturday 27  January)

The traditional Shrovetide door-to-door procession, which is a UNESCO world cultural heritage event, as performed by the village group from Studnice near Hlinsko.

Easter at Veselý Kopec (Friday – Monday 29 March –1 April)

The opening of the visitor season, with a programme of events presenting Easter customs, product sales and demonstrations.

Potter’s Saturday (Saturday 4 May)

Gathering of potters and ceramists, sales of their products and an accompanying programme.

Museum Day (Saturday 18 May)

Free admission to all area. 

Folk calendar or  Till the Cows Come Home (Saturday 25 May)

The ethnographic group Kohoutek from Chrudim will guide you through the folk calendar year and its customs and traditions. Accompanying programme: stories about customs in the Pardubice Region, screenings of short films with ethnographic themes.

Children’s Day in Veselý Kopec (Saturday 1 June)

A day devoted to visitors that is full of games and workshops with an interesting accompanying programme. Free entry for children and young people up to the age of 18.

Veselý Kopec for Children and Their Parents (June – August)

From June to August, we offer visitors workshops on selected days devoted to traditional activities, workshops for people of all ages, and guided tours devoted to various areas of village life. Parents with children can play an interesting game at the individual expositions


Veselý Kopec Fair (Saturday - Sunday 20 – 21 July)

Sales of products from selected and invited folk craftsmen, an accompanying cultural programme. A unique opportunity to meet people engaged in handcrafts.

How They Used to Farm, or the Path to the Harvest Wreath (Saturday - Sunday 10 - 11 August)

On Saturday, traditional farming and demonstrations of agricultural crop processing, on Sunday the programme will come to a climax with a harvest festival.

Craft Days (Saturday - Sunday 7 - 8 September)

Traditional folk crafts, including the operation of water-driven production buildings, an accompanying programme for both days.

Potato Saturday (Saturday 5 October)

Tastings of traditional potato dishes and the opportunity of finding out everything about the cultivation, storage and use of potatoes, with an accompanying cultural programme.

Christmas in Veselý Kopec (Saturday 30 October – Sunday 8 December)

A programme of traditional customs, demonstrations of the production of goods accompanying Christmastime in the past, and an extensive accompanying cultural programme.

Christmas Fair (Sunday 10 December)

Sales of folk craft products and an accompanying cultural programme.


A Farewell to Shrovetide (Tuesday 13 February)

The traditional Shrovetide procession at the conservation area demonstrated by the people of Blatno in Hlinsko. Shrovetide ends with the traditional “Killing of the Mare” custom. Prepared in co-operation with the Town of Hlinsko and the Hlinsko Tourist Information Centre. Free admission to the site.

Easter in Betlém ( Tuesday 19 Marz – Sunday 14 April)

Guided tours related to traditional Easter customs, an accompanying programme on selected days – examples of the production of Easter items.

Museum Day (Saturday 18 May)

Free admission to all area.

Betlém Summer (July - August)

Workshops from the Vysočina Open Air Museum and workshops with selected folk craftsmen will be prepared for visitors every Tuesday and Saturday during July and August.

Betlém Museum Night (Friday 13 September)

A special programme with the chance of experiencing Betlém in a slightly different way. Part of a national project.

Christmas Time in Betlém (Wednesday 11  December 2024 –  Sunday 12 January 2025)

Decorated houses in Betlém provide the authentic atmosphere of the Christmas holidays in the past, with an exhibition of folk nativity scenes.


Half a Century with You (29 March – 31 October)

An exhibition devoted to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Vysočina Open Air Museum

Stories from the depository (29 March - 31 October)

The exhibition presents items from depository collections that have interesting stories to tell.



Awoken treasure or the production of chenille textiles in the Hlinsko district (2 Mai - 2 June)

An exhibition devoted to the production of chenille textiles in the past and present.

Living Treasures or the Skilful Hands of the Bearers of the Tradition of the Pardubice Region (2 July - 31 October)

An exhibition presenting holders of the title Bearer of the Tradition of the Pardubice Region. The opportunity of meeting one of the craftsmen every Saturday as part of the exhibition.


Village Shrovetide Door-to-door Processions and Masks from the Hlinsko Area (all-year-round)

An exhibition devoted to the traditional Shrovetide door-to-door processions in the Hlinsko area, which are part of the cultural heritage of humanity, with demonstrations of traditional masks and the history of this folk custom.

Flax in Veselý Kopec (29 March - 31 October)

An exhibition devoted to the history and present day of flax processing in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands commemorating the long and complex journey taken by flax from the sowing of the seed to the weaving of linen fabric.

The sightseeing tour Flax in Veselý Kopec

A new sightseeing tour called Flax in Veselý Kopec has been prepared for those interested in the cultivation and processing of textile flax. The tour is only possible on request with a guide.

Weaver Josef Fidler, holder of the title Bearer of the Tradition of Folk Craft, will conduct a guided tour every Tuesday at 13.00 from 1 May to 31 October. The tour is only possible on request.


The water-driven tilt-hammer in Svobodné Hamry will be open  during Museum´s Day (18 Mai), in July and August 10.00–12.00 and 13.30–16.00 on every Saturday 2024.